7 Ways to unleash the Power of Cultural Bias: A guide for marketers and advertisers

Prathamesh Krisang

Cultural bias refers to the tendency for individuals to be influenced by the cultural norms and values to which they belong, including beliefs, attitudes, and preferences. These cultural biases impact the way people perceive and respond to products, services, and marketing messages.

Here are some ways to leverage cultural bias in marketing, sales, branding, design, and advertising:

1. Celebrating Diversity: Embrace Cultural Representation

Featuring people from different cultural backgrounds in your marketing campaigns and advertising messages can help increase brand appeal among diverse audiences. By showing that your brand values and respects all cultures, you can tap into the emotional connection that individuals have with their culture.

Example: Coca-Cola’s “Taste the Feeling” global marketing campaign features people of different ages, races, and cultures, showcasing how their product brings people together.

2. Celebrating Cultural Traditions

Celebrate cultural traditions and holidays that are meaningful to your target audience in order to connect with them on a deeper level. This can help to build brand loyalty and create an emotional connection with your target audience.

Use this technique during relevant cultural holidays and traditions to show that your brand is in tune with your target audience’s cultural values and traditions.

Example: To celebrate and show support for Black History Month, Nike launches a series of advertisements featuring Black athletes and cultural icons, such as Serena Williams, LeBron James, and Colin Kaepernick. These ads highlight the achievements and contributions of Black individuals and communities, and demonstrate Nike’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. By tapping into this important cultural event, Nike is able to connect with its customers on a deeper level and build brand loyalty among its target audience.

3. Culture-Specific Branding

To better connect with your target audience, consider tailoring your brand to align with their cultural background and values. This can involve using language, imagery, and messaging that are culturally relevant and resonate with the target audience.

Example: A beauty brand that caters specifically to South Asian women, featuring models and imagery that represent their culture.

4. Customized Advertising

Tailor your advertising to different cultural groups by creating culturally-specific ads and marketing campaigns. This could include using language, imagery, and messaging that appeals to the target culture, and tailoring advertising channels and platforms to reach them effectively. By customizing your product offerings to local tastes and preferences, you can demonstrate an understanding of and appreciation for the unique cultural nuances of each market.

Example: An auto company that creates culturally-specific TV commercials for different regions, using language and themes that resonate with the local culture, OR, A food company that offers a range of sauces and condiments in different countries, tailored to local tastes and flavors.

5. Cultural Storytelling

Use cultural storytelling to engage your target audience and build a connection with them. This can involve incorporating cultural elements into your brand story and marketing, highlighting the cultural heritage and values of your target audience.

Example: A fashion brand that tells the story of traditional African textiles and how they inspire their designs.

6. Use Local Influencers

Leverage cultural biases by partnering with local influencers to reach your target audience. Influencer marketing can be especially effective in reaching audiences from different cultures and backgrounds, as people often trust the recommendations of people they admire.

Example: If your target audience is made up of young, tech-savvy consumers, partnering with a popular tech blogger or influencer in your area can help increase your brand’s credibility and reach.

7. Use Color and Symbolism

Different cultures have different associations and meanings with certain colors and symbols. By understanding these cultural biases, you can create a more impactful and emotionally resonant brand identity.

Like, in Western cultures, red is often associated with love, passion and excitement, while green is often associated with growth, nature and tranquility. By incorporating these colors into your branding, marketing and advertising materials, you can tap into the emotional associations that your target audience has with them, creating a more powerful and memorable connection.

Example: A sports brand that uses the color red in their logos and advertising materials to evoke excitement and energy, resonating with their target audience of young, active consumers.

Cultural bias is related to several other cognitive biases, including:

In-group Bias: The tendency to favor individuals or groups who are similar to oneself and view them more favorably than out-group members.

Confirmation Bias: The tendency to seek information and interpretation that confirms one’s pre-existing beliefs and attitudes.

Social Identity Bias: The tendency to view oneself as a member of a social group and to favor one’s own group over others.

Ethnocentrism: The tendency to judge other cultures based on one’s own cultural values and norms.

Stereotyping: The tendency to oversimplify and generalize about a group of people based on limited personal experiences and preconceived ideas.


“The Power of Emotional Connection in Marketing” by David Meerman Scott, MarketingProfs, https://www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2013/8563/the-power-of-emotional-connection-in-marketing

“Why Cultural Sensitivity Matters in Marketing” by Peter Minnium, The New York Times, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/25/business/media/why-cultural-sensitivity-matters-in-marketing.html

“Marketing to the Tribe: How In-Group Bias Can Boost Sales” by Chip Heath and Dan Heath, Harvard Business Review, https://hbr.org/2010/12/marketing-to-the-tribe-how-in

“Using In-Group Bias in Marketing: A Guide” by Stephanie O’Connor, AdEspresso, https://adespresso.com/blog/in-group-bias-marketing/

“How Confirmation Bias Impacts Marketing and Sales” by Adam Robinson, HBR Ascend, https://hbrascend.org/how-confirmation-bias-impacts-marketing-and-sales/

“The Role of Confirmation Bias in Marketing” by Bob Frady, MarketingProfs, https://www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2017/33304/the-role-of-confirmation-bias-in-marketing

“Social Identity Bias in Marketing: How to Use It to Your Advantage” by Charlotte Sullivan, Hubspot, https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/social-identity-bias-marketing

“Social Identity Bias: How to Harness it for Marketing Success” by Kieran Flanagan, The Marketing Companion, https://www.marketingcompanion.com.au/blog/social-identity-bias/

“The Dangers of Ethnocentrism in Marketing and How to Avoid Them” by Hannah Roberts, HBR Ascend, https://hbrascend.org/the-dangers-of-ethnocentrism-in-marketing-and-how-to-avoid-them/

“How Ethnocentrism Can Affect Marketing and Sales” by Kelly Monahan, SalesHacker, https://www.saleshacker.com/how-ethnocentrism-can-affect-marketing-and-sales/

“The Impact of Stereotyping in Marketing and How to Avoid It” by Rachel Held Evans, MarketingProfs, https://www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2017/33208/the-impact-of-stereotyping-in-marketing-and-how-to-avoid-it

“Breaking Stereotypes in Marketing: A Guide” by Mia Major, AdEspresso, https://adespresso.com/blog/breaking-stereotypes-in-marketing/