Rhyme your way to better marketing: 11 Ways to leverage Rhyme As Reason Effect

Prathamesh Krisang

The Rhyme as Reason effect is a psychological phenomenon that suggests people are more likely to believe statements that rhyme than those that do not. This effect occurs because our brains are naturally drawn to patterns and associations, and rhyming words create an easy-to-remember pattern. By leveraging the Rhyme as Reason effect, marketers can create memorable and persuasive messaging that resonates with their target audience.

Here are some ways to do it:

1. Rhyming Product Names

Rhyming product names can be a fun and creative way to make your product stand out and be memorable to consumers. By using simple and easy-to-understand words that are closely associated with your product, you can create a rhyming name that is both catchy and memorable.

Example: Reese’s Pieces, Kit Kat, and Slim Jim.

2. Rhyming Jingles

Jingles are an effective way to create memorable and catchy advertising. By adding a rhyme to your jingle, you can increase its memorability and persuade customers to remember your product.

Example: Subway’s jingle, “Five, Five-Dollar, Five-Dollar Footlong” is a memorable example of a rhyming jingle. It is catchy, simple, and has a positive association with brand.

3. Rhyming in taglines and headlines

By using words that sound alike, a tagline or headline can be made more memorable and easier to recall, which can help to increase brand recognition and engagement.

Example: “The Quicker Picker Upper” by Bounty.

4. Rhyming call-to-action

Rhyming call-to-action is a creative way of using rhyme to make a call-to-action more memorable and engaging. It involves using words that rhyme with each other to create a catchy and memorable phrase that encourages the audience to take action.

Example: “Don’t be shy, give us a try!” or “Act fast, this deal won’t last!”

5. Rhyming character or mascot

Rhyming characters or mascots are marketing tools that use characters or mascots with names that rhyme to create a memorable and catchy brand identity. By using rhyming names for characters or mascots, companies can create a sense of fun and playfulness around their brand, making it more appealing to consumers.

Example: Geico’s Gecko

6. Rhyming words in product descriptions

Using rhyming words in product descriptions can make them more engaging and memorable. Rhyming words can be used in various product descriptions, such as e-commerce product listings, packaging, and promotional materials.

Example: “Smooth as silk, this lotion will make your skin feel like milk.”

7. Rhyming Social Media Campaign

A rhyming social media campaign uses rhyme in social media content to create a fun and memorable experience for the audience. This can be done through hashtags, quizzes, videos, contests, or reviews.

Example: “Snap a pic and get a kick, share with us your favorite #trickortreat.”

8. Rhyming in radio or TV ads

Rhyming in radio or TV ads is a powerful tool for advertisers to create engaging message that resonates with their target audience. t can be used to emphasize key points in an ad, making them more memorable for the audience.

Example: “If it’s got to be clean, it’s got to be Mr. Clean!”

9. Rhyming infographic

A rhyming infographic is a visual representation of information that utilizes rhyming to convey its message. It combines the use of text, graphics, and rhyme to make information more memorable and engaging for the audience.

Rhyming infographics can be used for a variety of purposes, such as educational materials, advertising campaigns, or social media content. They are particularly useful for conveying complex or abstract ideas in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

Example: A fitness app could say “10 tips to stay fit, don’t forget to stretch and sit.” along with the image of a person stretching.

10. Rhyming in Email Subject Lines

Rhyming can be used in a variety of ways in email subject lines, such as in promotional emails or newsletters.

Example: A promotional email from a clothing brand might use the subject line “Sale on Style: Dress to Impress for Less!”

11. Rhyming in Product Demos or Tutorials

A demo or tutorial with rhyming text can help break the monotony of a typical product demo or tutorial and make the presentation more enjoyable for the audience.

Example: A tech company that is demoing a new software application could use rhyming to explain its features and benefits. The presenter could say something like:

“Our software is easy to use and quick to learn,

With features that’ll make your productivity turn.

From task management to data analysis too,

Our software will help you power through.”

The “Rhyme as Reason” effect is related to several other cognitive biases,

Mere exposure effect: It suggests that people are more likely to develop a preference for things they are familiar with.

Primacy effect: It suggests that people are more likely to remember information that is presented first.

Recency effect: It suggests that people are more likely to remember information that is presented last.

Fluency effect: It suggests that people are more likely to find information that is easy to process as more true or valuable.


“The Power of Rhyme in Advertising” by The Balance Small Business https://www.thebalancesmb.com/the-power-of-rhyme-in-advertising-4160737 “How the Mere Exposure Effect Impacts Your Business” by Business News Daily https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/9834-mere-exposure-effect.html “The Primacy and Recency Effects in Marketing” by The Balance Small Business https://www.thebalancesmb.com/the-primacy-and-recency-effects-in-marketing-4160777 The Fluency Heuristic: How to Make Your Marketing More Persuasive” by ConversionXL https://conversionxl.com/blog/fluency-heuristic/

“The Power of Primacy and Recency in Marketing” by HubSpot https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/primacy-recency-effect-marketing

“Why Rhyming Works: The Neuroscience of Pattern and Rhyme in Advertising” by Forbes https://www.forbes.com/sites/rogerdooley/2018/09/06/why-rhyming-works-the-neuroscience-of-pattern-and-rhyme-in-advertising/?sh=6868a8ec1239

“The Mere Exposure Effect and Its Use in Marketing” by Marketing91 https://www.marketing91.com/mere-exposure-effect/

“The Psychology of Fluency: How to Make Your Marketing Messages Easier to Process” by Buffe https://buffer.com/resources/psychology-of-fluency/